I started with photography in 2009 when my daughter was born in order to capture all of those special moments. As we all know, these moments pass by far too quickly.
I then began to take images on holidays and days out to document all of these moments, trying my hand at landscape, nature and portrait photography.
As the years went by, my daughter gained an interest in sports, namely Rugby League. My partners daughter also began to play. I started to take action shots of them both during games and was soon approached by the other parents and the club to take shots of the whole team.
This then became second nature to me and I upgraded all of my equipment and was lucky enough to be guided and allowed to shadow professional sports photographers to hone in my skills and learn about the vast settings that camera equipment has to offer.
I then began to design social media posts with my images for their Rugby club, for them to advertise. I have always had an interest in Art and Design which helped me in the creation of these.
I was then asked to begin taking images for the clubs presentation nights and new shirt presentations for the start and end of the seasons as well as gameday images. These were posted across Social Media and became quite popular. This then gave me the kick I needed to set up my own Social Media for my photography.
From this I reached a wider audience to try my skill at other sports such as football, portrait photography for a young actresses portfolio and have also covered weddings and presentations. All of which require a different skill set and challenge.
I have a passion for all forms of photography and am more than happy to take on new challenges and cater for the individual.
I have full time employment and photography is my hobby, which enables me to have more flexibility.